September Staff Spotlight

Each month, we send out a company-wide newsletter for our key staff and highlight different staff members each month.

Meet our September Spotlight:

Gabriella Christoff

What is your favorite thing about your job?

My favorite part about my job is being a couple's first impression of our venue. I absolutely love listening to their engagement stories, how they met & what they are looking for on their special day. I am definitely a people person, so it makes it so nice to spend my days getting to know people in the most exciting time of their lives! I love being able to help couples envision their day in our venue.

What does BTTS mean to you?

BTTS means a lot to me, especially knowing the family and foundation of the company. Not only does everyone truly feel like one big family, but we make all of our clients & community feel that effect. It is so wonderful to be a part of a company that not only cares tremendously about its employees, but about the community as well. I believe that the core values of this company create such a solid foundation in not just our work, but what we take home with us every day. We make dreams come true for our couples & it's amazing to see that every seat on the bus truly plays apart in each day!

What is something that most people might not know about you?

I am bilingual! My family is Macedonian, which has always been important in my life. We have so many unique & special traditions in our culture! Both sets of grandparents came to the US with little to nothing and worked so hard to give my parents and all their grandchildren such a wonderful life! My family is seriously my everything!

Where is somewhere that you have always wanted to visit?

I have always wanted to travel to Croatia. I am a huge Game of Thrones fan & would love to see where a large portion of the filming took place! Not to mention, I have heard the country is absolutely stunning!

Are you reading anything or watching anything fun right now?

I am a creature of habit, so my usual go-to show is New Girl! I typically do a couple puzzles a week while I have it on in the background. I like to think even my dogs love it too, lol! 🙂


August Staff Spotlight